Scott Evans, Emi Honda and Jordan McKenzie, 2005September 9-October 8, 2005

Opening Reception: Friday September 9, 7:00 pm

The Great Scattered Remnants is a collaborative, growing environment, constructed by Scott Evans, Emi Honda and Jordan McKenzie, long-term collaborators from Victoria. Using a wide variety of specifically chosen found objects and post-consumer detritus, as well as lo-tech electronics and sound, the artists create a fictive site that splices traditional notions of nature with the surrealist synthetics of our popular, often apocalyptic, imagination. Referencing science fiction, psychedelia and the pictorial tradition of landscape art and Natura Morta, The Great Scattered Remnants is a place where plastics repair themselves, the artificial acts naturally and where we sweat glycolic acid and grow our own acrylic nails. Half dream world, half sociological critique, this exhibition transplants the artists’ subconscious into the physical space of the gallery through a complex network of stream-of-conscious installations.

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